James’s Blog: Saying “Yes” and Doing What You’re Told.

James’s Blog: Saying “Yes” and Doing What You’re Told.

As you might have been able to tell from last week’s post, I’m making my way through Jeremiah again. I’ve always had a soft spot for this particular jolly prophet. I think his melancholy, dragging-his-heels approach to obedience struck a chord with me long ago, and over the years my appreciation for his own brand of bickering faithfulness has only grown. There are two specific things that I think Jeremiah grokked that are worth careful consideration: Read more

James’s Blog: The Jeremiah Blues.

James’s Blog:  The Jeremiah Blues.

So God says “Go!” and you say, “No, I’ve worn

These shoes before. I know the way this ends.

With me abused, misused, confused and bruised,

I wonder why you don’t have any friends?” Read more

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