James’s Blog: Fellow Pilgrims.

James’s Blog:  Fellow Pilgrims.

Crowded together on this train, heading to the city;

Only this is taking much longer than I had hoped.

Nobody seems to care about my needs;

Sitting there, with their loud conversations, loud music, loud chewing.

I can’t believe this is happening.

Do you hear him? He’s singing along to the music on his headphones!

Enjoy the music, go on! Don’t consider what I might want;

Really, all I want to do is read my book in peace.


Oh, now what’s this? Another stop at another station.

There’s a man getting on. I hope he doesn’t sit next to me;

He’s, shall we say, rather on the large side. I bet he smells too.

Everyone’s smiling, watching as he makes his way down the carriage;

Right and left, right and left, he looks for an empty seat, and stops next to me.

Sure, sit right down why don’t you? What else could go wrong?


Bad parents, messy eaters, I’ve got them all;

Everyone, it seems, is out to ruin my day.

This would be a really nice journey if it weren’t for them.

The headphone singer seems to be getting louder;

Even Gandhi would have punched this guy by now.

Relaxing, this ain’t!


This is the worst group of people I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet;

How did I end up in a carriage with them?

All we’ve got in common is our destination;

Now I’m expected to put up with all their nonsense?


You’ve got to be kidding me!

Our friend, Mr Fatty, has fallen asleep!

Unbelievable! His head’s on my shoulder! My shoulder!

Right away he starts to snore.

Somebody help me – I think he’s about to start drooling.

Every time I think I’m going to get some peace, someone like this comes along;

Let’s agree that, in future, I should only travel with a certain type of people;

Very nice, clean, good-looking, low maintenance people.

Everyone, in other words, who’s like me.

Stuck on this journey together, they could at least put my needs first.

James’s Blog: Throwaway Encouragements.

James’s Blog:  Throwaway Encouragements.

I am in favour of throwaway encouragements. A throwaway encouragement is a kind word that you slip into conversation, and then move on. A throwaway encouragement is not given in response to someone fishing for compliments. Part of its magic comes from it being unexpected. Furthermore, it must not be dwelt upon – it is given in passing and then the conversation moves on. The hearer is not given a chance to respond. Finally, it must also be true. Insisting that a tone-deaf person is actually a fantastic singer is an unkindness, both to the recipient of the lie and the victims of their newly encouraged talent.

Throwaway encouragements are one way of fulfilling Paul’s injunction to be kind to one another. They can be an unexpected lift to someone’s day; but more than that, they can actually be the catalyst for a significant change in someone’s thinking. Often, we are blind to the things that are obvious to everyone around us, or get stuck in a pattern of seeing things a certain way, and a throwaway encouragement may be the crowbar that springs open a new door.

If you know someone quite well, I’m sure that you can think of a smash and grab positive to dump into their lap while you’re on your way somewhere else. I believe that you have the potential to make a real difference to the people who cross your path. Now, let’s talk about something else, shall we?

James’s Blog: Another Lost Argument.

James’s Blog:  Another Lost Argument.

“Why don’t you do something, God?”

“Like what?”

“Well, I don’t know. Something. Anything!”

“What’s the matter?”

“There’s someone who really needs to know that you love them, God. Someone who really needs your help.”

“What should I do, then?”

“Well, something that makes them feel loved.”

“Like what?”


“Should I give them a hug, perhaps? Write them a note telling them that I’m thinking of them? Give them a gift?”

“I suppose-”

“Sometimes all it takes is a smile, you know. Someone smiling at you can make a lot of difference. Should I smile at them, James?”


“Because I do. You know that, right? You know that. How about a kind word? That can work wonders. A timely dose of kindness to a wounded soul can turn a broken man into a saint, can’t it? Or have you forgotten that whole pear thing?”

“No, but-”

“Every day I whisper love to people’s hearts. Sometimes I shout. But people aren’t always listening. There are always so many other things they’d rather listen to. And I made a decision a long time ago, a decision to delegate. Delegation is an act of trust, which is an act of love, you see.”

“I know-”

“And I could, I could reach out my arms and take the whole world into a hug, and draw it near to my beating heart and drown out everything else with my love, I could, and one day I will, but for now I have no arms and I have no smile. I gave those things away, James. I gave those things away a long time ago. Do you know who I gave them to, James? Do you?”

“I think-”

“That’s right. I gave them to you, and your brothers and sisters. I didn’t just give you peace and forgiveness and hope, I gave you responsibility. I gave you my arms and my feet and my smile and I said, ‘Here you go. You’re in charge of these now. Use them wisely.’ I delegated.”

“All right, I-”

“I am at work, James. I’m always speaking, always reminding a stubborn world that I’m here. But I’ve got an idea, James, about this person who needs to know my love. Do you want to hear my idea?”


“Do you, James?”

“Yes, God.”

“Well then, here it is. Are you ready?”

“Yes, God.”

“Why don’t you do something?”

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