James’s Blog: A Small Act of Rebellion.

James’s Blog:  A Small Act of Rebellion.

Last week, I went shopping for orange juice. In Tesco’s they had a special offer, which I assumed had something to do with the fact that the four cartons of juice in front of me all had ‘Happy Christmas!’ written on them. The use-by date was the end of January. That was fine; we’d get it drunk by then. As I picked up the juice I noticed that behind it were all the newer, non-festive cartons. They were still on offer, but these ones had a use-by date for the end of February. Read more

James’s Blog: Being Taken Advantage Of.

James’s Blog: Being Taken Advantage Of.

(Look, I promise I’m not going to make a habit of this, but I found a post on my old blog that I thought was interesting enough to just cut and paste, so here it is. This one comes from April 2011.) Read more

James’s Blog: This is the Sort of Thing that God Does to Me.

James’s Blog:  This is the Sort of Thing that God Does to Me.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit says, “James is distracted and hasn’t got his guard up – let’s plant a bomb in his head.”

I was just on my way to the school to collect the children, and my phone pinged. It was a message from someone who works with me, Read more

James’s Blog: ‘Losing My Way’ or ‘Being Set Free’?

James’s Blog:  ‘Losing My Way’ or ‘Being Set Free’?

I have been wondering about my writing recently.

Today I was walking around the local library, and I caught myself thinking, “Does the world really need another book?”

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James’s Blog: Three Stages of My Journey

James’s Blog:  Three Stages of My Journey

Following last week’s post, I’ve been reflecting a little more on my spiritual journey over the years. I think I have passed through three distinct stages since I became a Christian, which I have decided to categorise as follows:

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James’s Blog: A Letter to My Struggling Sister or Brother.

James’s Blog: A Letter to My Struggling Sister or Brother.

Dear Sister/Brother,

There is something that I want to say to you.

When I decided to follow Jesus as an awkward teenager (really, is there any other kind of teenager?) I had only one redeeming quality. It wasn’t that I was quite clever, or reasonably likeable, or that I had a glistening ball of potential creativity resting in me. Read more

James’s Blog: Sometimes, the Niceness is the Point…

James’s Blog: Sometimes, the Niceness is the Point…

Today I am repenting of my bad memory. I had allowed myself to forget something important.

I had not forgotten that God is kind, or that He is generous, or that He loves me. No, it was something else. Read more

James’s Blog: Do I Want to Preach?

James’s Blog:  Do I Want to Preach?

Now that’s a tricky question.

The thing is, I’m not sure that I do. Sometimes, over the years, people have asked me if I enjoy preaching. ‘Enjoy’ is not the word I would use. Read more

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