James’s Blog: Now That’s What James Calls Worship #5.

James’s Blog: Now That’s What James Calls Worship #5.

It’s been a while since I wrote anything about music, so here’s another one of my worship picks. The song is ‘Everlasting’ and the band is Juggernautz.

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James’s Blog: Now That’s What James Calls Worship #1.

James’s Blog: Now That’s What James Calls Worship #1.

My friend Terry writes a blog and has been doing an enjoyable series of posts on Christian albums that have had an impact on him over the years. I’ve been thinking of doing something similar myself for a while, mostly as a follow-up to my own post from last year, but I didn’t want to just copy Terry. That’s not cool. So, instead I thought of something completely different and totally not related in any way to what Terry has been doing. Read more

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