(A serious thought became this not-so-serious poem. I’m not sure that the ten-syllables per line experiment really works, nor am I totally thrilled with the rhyme in the last verse, but it’ll do.)
Have you ever discovered something big
hidden away in a minuscule place?
Maybe something obvious, but more like
a raindrop that’s reflecting a child’s face.
We’re used to seeing small things in the big,
like grains of sand hidden amongst a beach,
or the grains of truth buried deep, hidden
within a major politician’s speech.
What’s the biggest thing you’ve ever noticed
hidden away inside something that’s small?
An elephant in a matchbox, perhaps,
or maybe nothing that silly at all?
As for me, I bet I’ve got you all beat,
for I had the most magnificent find.
You see, today I found the universe
in a scrap of bread and a sip of wine.
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