James’s Blog: The Noisy God.

James’s Blog: The Noisy God.

For many people, God is a silent God. As far as they’re concerned, He says nothing. But when I read the Bible I can’t help but be left with the strong impression that actually this is a God who just won’t shut up. Take Abram for example. He’s sitting in the desert, counting his livestock and minding his own business, and then God comes along – “Psssst…Abram.” Read more

James’s Blog: The Functions of Public Prayer.

James’s Blog: The Functions of Public Prayer.

If you’ve been following this blog from the very beginning (nearly five years now!) then you might have read one of my first posts about the potential virtues of cynicism. I’m a lot less cynical than I used to be in my twenties, but every now and then I do like to indulge myself.

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James’s Blog: The Waiting Psalms.

James’s Blog: The Waiting Psalms.

I’ve been reading a book called ‘Deeper Places: The Spirituality of the Psalms’ by Matthew Jacoby, and I was struck by something that I read today. He suggests that the most common experience conveyed by the Psalms is the experience of waiting for God to show up.

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James’s Blog: Now That’s What James Calls Worship #5.

James’s Blog: Now That’s What James Calls Worship #5.

It’s been a while since I wrote anything about music, so here’s another one of my worship picks. The song is ‘Everlasting’ and the band is Juggernautz.

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James’s Blog: Now That’s What James Calls Worship #3.

James’s Blog:  Now That’s What James Calls Worship #3.

The album version of this track isn’t available on YouTube (not in the UK, at least) so I’m having to post a live version taken from a festival, which is somewhat at odds with what the song means for me, as I’ll go on to explain.

Anyway, the band is Selfmindead and the song is called ‘Always’. Read more

James’s Blog: Now That’s What James Calls Worship #2.

James’s Blog: Now That’s What James Calls Worship #2.

Thank you for your patience. Here’s another little glimpse into my musical tastes.

‘Dancing in Concert with the Infinite’ by DigHayZoose.

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James’s Blog: Now That’s What James Calls Worship #1.

James’s Blog: Now That’s What James Calls Worship #1.

My friend Terry writes a blog and has been doing an enjoyable series of posts on Christian albums that have had an impact on him over the years. I’ve been thinking of doing something similar myself for a while, mostly as a follow-up to my own post from last year, but I didn’t want to just copy Terry. That’s not cool. So, instead I thought of something completely different and totally not related in any way to what Terry has been doing. Read more

James’s Blog: Ironical Preaching.

James’s Blog:  Ironical Preaching.

I preached a sermon this week; the main thrust of which was the message that God does not demand perfection of us. Afterwards, I sat down, feeling flat and disappointed because I felt like the sermon hadn’t gone perfectly.

I must be growing, because it only took me a few moments to realise the irony of the situation. Read more

James’s Blog: This Post-Easter Blog is Far Too Long.

James’s Blog: This Post-Easter Blog is Far Too Long.

Sometimes a song or a story or a poem will generate a powerful emotional response in me by putting into words something that is buried deep within, something I haven’t really given shape to myself yet. This is what art does. Why just the other day I was listening to someone explain how he had been left shaken by listening to a short story that somehow managed to encapsulate his own experience of childhood. Read more

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